Guest Contributor: Rabbi Joseph Mendelsohn
A few weeks ago, while sitting on an exercise ball, attempting to strengthen his core, I asked “Rabbi Joe” Mendelsohn, of Temple Israel in Scranton, if would like to participate in this column by sharing some reflections for the New Year. His response was unique; “You are in charge of my body and I’m going to say no?” Then, he eagerly accepted the invitation to share some thoughts about New Year celebrations and resolutions.
First, he noted that most people focus on the “celebration” of the New Year as a sense of accomplishment after making through another year and ready to begin anew. Few contemplate the power of “choice” and necessary changes when planning the future. He explained:
In contrast, the Jewish New Year is more solemn, requiring introspection, examining what we’ve done in the past and from that, asking God to write for us a good year in the “Book of Life” for the coming year. But what constitutes a good year, perfection? Maybe a pain free year with no illnesses or tragedies? That’s not realist. Instead, we ask God for help in dealing with what lays ahead – the strength and courage to deal with the challenges, the knowledge of professionals to help us and the wisdom to make the right choices for ourselves.
From this, we learn the value of free will: One, what we do now helps determine what will happen in the future. Two, we have the ability to make the right choice. For example, what is our current physical shape? If we smoke, are overweight, have high blood pressure and don’t exercise, we can expect health problems in the coming year. Conversely, if we go for regular check-ups (including colonoscopies and other unpleasant tests), don’t smoke, loose excess weight and exercise, we can expect a healthier year.
Moses teaches us in Deuteronomy {30:11-19} that while God guides us on the right path of life, we all have free will to make our own decisions: 11Surely, this Instruction which I enjoin upon you this day is not too baffling for you, nor is it beyond reach. It is not in the heavens…Neither is it beyond the sea…No, the thing is very close to you…See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and adversity…I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life – if you and your offspring would live…Or, as the old Jewish proverb states, “The person who makes no choice, makes a choice.”
Guest Contributor: Rabbi Joseph Mendelsohn – of Temple Israel, Scranton, PA, serves on the boards of several non-profit community organizations and is the volunteer chaplain for the Pennsylvania State Police.
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