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Mar 8, 2009


Research suggests that many spine problems can be prevented with good posture and proper body mechanics. Poor posture and improper body mechanics subject the spine to abnormal stresses that, over time, can lead to degeneration and pain. Good posture and proper body mechanics can minimize current spine pain and prevent recurrent episodes.

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Mar 8, 2009

TREATMENT FOR LOSS OF BALANCE: 2nd of 3 Columns on Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention

Today, we will discuss treatment for balance loss. Two primary treatments are medication and vestibular rehabilitation.

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Mar 8, 2009

FALL PREVENTION: 3rd of 3 Columns on Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention

Injuries from falls are the seventh leading cause of death in people over the age of sixty-five. The following suggestions will assist you in minimizing your risk of a fall.

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Mar 8, 2009

CAUSES OF LOSS OF BALANCE: 1st of 3 Columns on Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention

Dedicated medical practitioners are in constant search for new knowledge and information to prevent or delay many age related problems. One of the most devastating problems associated with aging is falling.

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Mar 8, 2009

Lumbar Stabilization

Low back pain (LBP) and/or injury inhibit specific muscles that support and stabilize the spine and pelvis. Lumbar stabilization is the remedy for dysfunctional musculature of the spine and pelvis incriminated in recurrent LBP and/or injury.

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Mar 8, 2009

Exercise-Induced Asthma (EIA)

On a recent bus ride to an Eagles game I asked my friend Dr. Gregory Cali, a local pulmonologist, (lung doctor) to help me with an article on exercise-induced asthma. The topic was chosen in response to an email question from a concerned mother of an athlete with asthma.

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Mar 7, 2009

Prevent Colon Cancer Through Exercise

The American Cancer Society has designated March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The purpose of this designation is to increase public awareness about the facts about colon cancer. It is preventable, treatable and has a high survival rate.

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Mar 3, 2009

Protect your skin during winter recreation

Many people in Northeast Pennsylvania enjoy outdoor winter activities, but it’s easy to forget that frigid air, wind, snow and sleet can play havoc on your skin.

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Mar 3, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A question I am frequently asked is, “Do you think I have carpal tunnel syndrome?” Over the past 10-15 years, carpal tunnel syndrome has moved to the forefront in medicine and has become water cooler conversation. So what is carpal tunnel syndrome and how is it treated?

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Mar 3, 2009


Each year at this time, dozens of runners preparing for the Steamtown Marathon come to my office with severe shin pain known as shin splints. Unfortunately, in many of these athletes, this problem can lead to a much more severe and advanced problem with shin splints called a stress fracture. Some very good athletes have been hindered by this problem.

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