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Category: Walking

May 21, 2012

Backward Walking is Forward Thinking!

Recently, a patient, Pat McKenna, editor of The Times-Tribune, came to my office with a partial tear and strain to one of his hamstring muscles. He stated that he has always had hamstring tightness and has walked backward as a warm-up exercise to prevent injury. I found the concept of backward walking, (also called retrowalking) […]

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Jan 23, 2012

Exercise and Foot Ulcers: Happy Feet Through Exercise

Guest Columnist: Janet Caputo, PT, DPT, OCS New research has found that exercise may help in the prevention of foot ulcers. Foot ulcers, while originally appearing as small and benign, often lead to one of the most serious problems in people with diabetes, amputation. Prevention is essential and understanding the risk factors and causes of […]

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Jan 9, 2012

This Winter, Try Something New!

Winter in NEPA can be the perfect opportunity to try something new. For example, for those who enjoy running or walking you can continue to do so in the winter, with a few adjustments. Equipment, such as treaded sneakers, allows you to run or walk in the snow. Snow shoes are a great way to […]

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Jan 31, 2011

Walk or Run Safely This Winter: Part 2 of 2

These tips are appropriate for those who did well in the Steamtown Marathon in October, qualified for the Boston Marathon in the spring, and will be training all winter. Furthermore, those who enjoy winter exercise through walking, running, snow shoeing or cross country skiing will also benefit from this information.

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Jan 24, 2011

Walk or Run Safely This Winter: Part 1 of 2

Many people living in Northeastern Pennsylvania attempt to exercise outdoors year round. The psychological benefits are many: each season brings its own unique beauty, and winter is no different. Most will not have to abandon outdoor activities, but some adjustments in equipment, clothing, and food are necessary for each season and the temperature changes that it brings.

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Dec 6, 2010

Toning Sneakers: Fitness Gift Review For Christmas

No matter what fitness goal you have set--trimming down, building strength, or enhancing endurance--most people would like to achieve it with as little effort as possible. This desire for a shortcut explains why so many people have laced up the newest "instability" sneakers from brands like ReebokR and SkechersR, which promise to increase muscle tone while you walk

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Apr 7, 2010

Shin Splints

Shin splints are to runners what tennis elbow is to tennis players.

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