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Category: prevention

Jul 24, 2024


This column is repeated every year at this time with the intent of raising the level of awareness to prevent death or serious illness from heat stroke in athletes and other active people in hot, humid weather. It is the end of July and we have managed to survive two “heat waves” in NEPA. While […]

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Jul 17, 2024


The 27th Steamtown Marathon is three months away and, despite the warm weather, many local runners are deep into training. With serious heat waves of summer, any prolonged endurance activity in minimal to moderate heat can be dangerous if not prepared. Adequate hydration is critically important, not only to those training for a marathon but […]

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Jun 6, 2024


June is migraine and headache awareness month! According to the World Health Organization about half of the world’s adult population has had a headache at least once in the past year. Prolonged use of electronic devices has greatly contributed to this problem. For many people, these headaches are infrequent and do not often affect daily […]

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May 8, 2024

Prevent Cancer by Vaccination for HPV

Data shows vaccination rates are declining since 2020 One of the greatest frustrations in modern medicine occurs when a safe, tried, and proven treatment exists to prevent deadly disease, but it is not possible to administer it to the potentially vulnerable victims. Over time, the disease unnecessarily spreads exponentially. Malaria in sub-Saharan Africa where one […]

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Apr 8, 2024

Seasonal Allergies in Athletes – Do Not Get Benched!

Seasonal allergies affect 30 % of adults and 40% of children in the United States. Avoiding the outdoors is often not an option…especially if you enjoy outdoor activities and sports. Not long ago, it was unthinkable that an athlete with serious seasonal allergies could compete at a high level, such as the Olympics. Now, in […]

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Nov 28, 2023


Part II of II   Introduction: As most sports enthusiasts know, Aaron Rodgers, former Green Bay Packer quarterback and recent New York Jets QB (for just over a minute and half) suffered a season ending injury when he tore his Achilles tendon in the first game of the 2023/24 NFL season. Since then, I have been […]

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Nov 6, 2023


Diabetes Part II of II: Management and Lifestyle According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 11.3% of the population in the United States or almost 37.3 million adults and children has diabetes. Unfortunately, the number keeps rising and one-third of these people are not aware that they have […]

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Nov 2, 2023

Diabetes – Part I of II

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. This column will present information regarding type 1 and type 2 diabetes and the diagnosis and symptoms of the disease. Next week, Part II will present the role of exercise in the management of the disease.  What is it?             Diabetes is a disease where the hormone insulin is […]

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Oct 23, 2023


3rd of 3 Columns on Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention Preventing a fall can not only save your independence but also your life! Preventing injuries from falls reduces the need for nursing home placement. Injuries from falls are the seventh leading cause of death in people over the age of sixty-five. The following suggestions will […]

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Oct 4, 2023

Compression Socks for Runners – Wear After The Race!

Jury Out on Value for Running Performance Runners will attempt to conquer 26.2 miles from Forest City to downtown Scranton in the 26th Annual Steamtown Marathon this Sunday. Participants may want to consider new research that suggests the use of compression socks may prevent post race blood clots. Completing the long and arduous 26.2 mile […]

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