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Category: Fitness Equipment

Apr 11, 2016

Cycling: The Proper Fit Can Prevent Injury

Guest columnist: Sarah Singer, BFA, PTA Spring has sprung and so too has Tour de Scranton, considered the “kick off” to biking season in NEPA. So, dust off your bikes and warm up for the event by riding the many beautiful and well-maintained trails are available at the Countryside Conservancy at Lackawanna State Park, other […]

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Dec 14, 2015

Finding The Best Exercise Gifts For Christmas: Cardio Equipment

Last week, “Health & Exercise Forum” presented “The Top Ten Fitness Gifts for Christmas.” This week, I will offer more detail on the three most popular, but expensive, pieces of aerobic (cardio) exercise equipment; treadmills, bikes and elliptical. Every year, well intended family members purchase expensive exercise equipment as Christmas gifts for loved ones with […]

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Dec 7, 2015

Merry Fitness! Top Ten Fitness Gifts for Christmas

Every December, as we finish the last of the leftover turkey, patients begin to talk about the holiday season and gift shopping. This conversation invariably leads to suggestions for gift ideas related to health, exercise and fitness. The suggestions below offer a wide variety of fitness related gifts, some expensive and frivolous and others reasonably […]

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Nov 2, 2015

Elevation Training Masks – Risk Not Worth Benefit!

Everyone knows a competitive athlete, not only Olympic or professional, but high school, college, or weekend warrior, who seems to enjoy taking their bodies to the maximum level in order to improve performance. Billions of dollars are spent each year to buy the best equipment, travel to the best facility, eat the best food and […]

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Aug 5, 2013

The 10 Best Home Exercises Using Resistance Bands

Frequently, patients ask for a home exercise program that is quick and easy. For some, they want to do some exercises before or after work to gain or maintain muscle tone, but don’t have time to join a gym. For others who are retired, they want to do some simple exercises to help them maintain independence […]

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Jul 16, 2012

Try Some New Fitness Activities for Summer

The summer is a great time to be outdoors in NEPA as so many activities are available such as: biking, hiking, running, walking, swimming, boating, golfing, and playing tennis to name a few. It is also a wonderful opportunity to discover your inner child, mix it up and try something new! Below are four new […]

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May 21, 2012

Backward Walking is Forward Thinking!

Recently, a patient, Pat McKenna, editor of The Times-Tribune, came to my office with a partial tear and strain to one of his hamstring muscles. He stated that he has always had hamstring tightness and has walked backward as a warm-up exercise to prevent injury. I found the concept of backward walking, (also called retrowalking) […]

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Jan 9, 2012

This Winter, Try Something New!

Winter in NEPA can be the perfect opportunity to try something new. For example, for those who enjoy running or walking you can continue to do so in the winter, with a few adjustments. Equipment, such as treaded sneakers, allows you to run or walk in the snow. Snow shoes are a great way to […]

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Dec 5, 2011

Top Exercise Gifts for Christmas

Every year, well-intended family members purchase expensive exercise equipment as Christmas gifts for loved ones with the hope of encouraging exercise and fitness for the New Year. I applaud the attempt to encourage wellness because the value of regular exercise is well known. However, a high percentage of these products serve as clothes hangers and […]

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Aug 29, 2011

The Naked Truth About Barefoot Running

Last year’s Steamtown Marathon saw the influence of the new “barefoot running” fad, with R. J. Stiltenpole of Scranton Running Co. as one runner who sported the barefoot look and plans to do so again in October 2011. He, like many other “barefoot runners,” sported minimalist shoes to prevent cuts and blisters from the pavement. […]

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