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Human beings were designed to move…walk, run, climb, lift, hunt, and gather. Contemporary man has suffered greatly from a technologically driven inactive and sedentary lifestyle. Inactivity is associated with many health problems; obesity, adult-onset diabetes, high blood pressure to name a few. The problems associated with lack of movement are many:


The more you move your body, the more you colon moves!  A regular and consistent exercise and activity regime, results in a more consistent bowel schedule, especially with age. Healthy muscle tone in your abdominal muscles and diaphragm is also the key to moving waste through your digestive tract.

Stiff Joints

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and many inflammatory or auto-immune diseases can cause achy and stiff joints. However, even healthy joints can also stiffen when you don’t use them enough. Put them to work so they don't get tight and cause pain.

Shortness of Breath

All muscles get weak from lack of use, including the muscles that help your lungs expand and contract as you breathe if you don’t work them out regularly. The less exercise or activity you do, the more you experience shortness of breath, even during easy daily tasks.

Depression or Moody

Physical problems are not the only complication of inactivity. A lack of movement can also increase feelings of anxiety and depression. Aerobic exercises like walking, biking, swimming, or running, have been proven to stimulate endorphins to boost and steady your mood, and even improve your self-esteem.

Lack of Energy

Many studies have found that regular movement improves energy. Exercise helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. When you sit or are inactive, tissues are not getting the same amount of fuel they need to keep you going.

Slow Metabolism

Movement stimulates your metabolism. Hyperactive people burn more calories…just by fidgeting! Even if you are not hyperactive, the more active you are, the more calories you burn each time you move.

Difficulty Sleeping

One of the first recommendations sleep doctors make to their patients suffering from insomnia is exercise. When you keep a regular exercise routine, you fall asleep faster, and you sleep deeper once you drift off.

Brain Fog

Regular exercise tells your body to make more chemicals called growth factors. They boost blood vessel production in your brain. The more blood that gets to your brain, the better you can think, remember, and make decisions.

High Blood Pressure

Spending most of your time sitting raises your risk of heart disease, in great part due to the fact that partly you’re more likely to have high blood pressure. This is a big risk factor for heart issues like coronary artery disease and heart attack.

High Blood Glucose

When physical activity is a regular part of your life, your body has an easier time keeping your blood glucose under control. Exercise can stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you out of the type 2 diabetes danger zone.

Lower Back Pain

When your core muscles are weak from lack of use, they can’t support your back the way they should. This makes it much easier to tweak your back muscles during everyday movements like standing or reaching. Pilates, yoga, and other exercises that use stretching are good for building a stronger back. Schedule an appointment with a good orthopedic and sports PT.

Hunger Pains … “Hangry”

Logically, one might think that you’d be hungry more often if you exercised more, but the opposite is usually true. Aerobic exercise like biking, swimming, walking, and running can actually decrease your appetite because it changes the levels of certain “hunger hormones” in your body.

Sick Often

Studies show the more moderate activity you get, the lower your chance of catching a cold or other germs. When you make exercise a habit, your immune system gets stronger.

Dull and Pasty Skin

If your skin looks duller than usual, a lack of movement may be to blame. Some studies show that moderate exercise boosts your circulation and your immune system, which helps your skin keep that youthful glow.


EVERY MONDAY – Read Dr. Paul J. Mackarey “Health & Exercise Forum!” via Blog

EVERY SUNDAY in "The Sunday Times" - Read Dr. Paul J. Mackarey “Health & Exercise Forum!” in hard copy

This article is not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have questions related to your medical condition, please contact your family physician. For further inquires related to this topic email:

Paul J. Mackarey PT, DHSc, OCS is a Doctor in Health Sciences specializing in orthopaedic and sports physical therapy in Scranton and Clarks Summit. Dr. Mackarey is in private practice and is an associate professor of clinical medicine at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. For all of Dr. Mackarey's articles, visit our exercise forum!

We’ve all heard it before – encouragement to exercise to trim our waistline or to speed up our metabolism.  However, there may be more benefit to lacing up those sneakers than you’d think.  Recent studies have established a link between exercise and cognition, making physical activity even more important.

The Benefits:

Exercise has been shown to improve sleep and mood, decrease stress, and even increase libido.  It also can bolster our self-esteem and ability to problem-solve and to remember details.  In fact, strength training has even been shown to reverse cognitive decline to a degree in aging adults with mild impairment. Though the medical community is still trying to elucidate exactly how exercise boosts our brains physiologically, increased circulation to the brain and modulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis that regulates the body’s response to stress have been implicated as the bearers of benefit. While exercise can be advantageous for everyone, it perhaps is even more valuable to those struggling with mood disorders.  Exercise can help combat anxiety and depression and quell the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as it helps the brain to pump out neurotransmitters and pain-fighting endorphins. Exercise makes addiction management easier, as well, and has recently been shown to help alcoholics lessen consumption.

How Much is Enough?

So, how much exercise exactly is enough to illicit tangible cognitive benefit, you ask?  Any amount of weight lifting, running, walking, or yoga helps, but habitual activity helps the most.  Studies cite that a few consecutive weeks of participation in a fitness regimen yielded notable, positive results in subjects.  Try to make exercise part of your daily routine to encourage good fitness habits.  If you find the idea of adopting a strenuous new fitness program intimidating or off-putting, have no fear.  Moderate exercise is enough to do the trick.  The Mayo Clinic cites both brisk walking and mowing the lawn as examples of moderate activity, so an average fitness level is adequate for yielding positive mental results. 

How To Begin:

If you’re thinking about beginning an exercise program for the first time, start gradually.  Begin with walking for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily, and add 1 or 2 minutes to your session every time you walk until you can walk continuously for 45 to 60 minutes.  The same principle can be used when beginning other fitness routines involving biking, swimming, running, etc.  Begin a weight training program to strengthen bones and tendons using 3 to 5 pound dumbbells, and increase the weight you use by a pound once you can easily perform 30 consecutive repetitions.  Be careful to pay close attention to posture and form. Contact your physical therapist or a personal trainer for assistance with designing an appropriate exercise program.  Don’t hesitate to contact your physician, either, if you have questions about whether a particular exercise program is safe and suitable for your age group or current fitness level. Consider these tips to make the most of your workout:

Guest Contributor: Leanne Woiewodski, MD, graduate, GCSOM


US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health,, IDEA Health & Fitness Association, Mayo Clinic, Public Library of Science

EVERY MONDAY – Read Dr. Paul J. Mackarey “Health & Exercise Forum!” via Blog

EVERY SUNDAY in "The Sunday Times" - Read Dr. Paul J. Mackarey “Health & Exercise Forum!” in hard copy

This article is not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have questions related to your medical condition, please contact your family physician. For further inquires related to this topic email:

Paul J. Mackarey PT, DHSc, OCS is a Doctor in Health Sciences specializing in orthopaedic and sports physical therapy in Scranton and Clarks Summit. Dr. Mackarey is in private practice and is an associate professor of clinical medicine at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. For all of Dr. Mackarey's articles, visit our exercise forum!

Since 1949 May has been designated as National Mental Health Month for the purpose of eliminating the stigma associated with mental illness by raising awareness. One of the most common mental health conditions is depression. New research from Boston University School of Public Health has found that depression has been increasing in the United States and life with COVID for more than two years has accelerated it rapidly. In 2021 the number of people suffering from depression increased more than 32 percent, affecting 1 in every 3 American adults. However, research also has good news to offer: one of the most understated benefits of exercise is mental health! Specifically, aerobic exercise (exercise that increases your heart rate for 30 minutes or more) such as walking, biking, running, swimming, hiking, elliptical & stepper machines to name a few, is the secret to “runner’s high.” This exercise euphoria is not limited to runners alone, but all who engage in aerobic exercise are more likely to experience high energy, positive attitude, and mental wellness.

Physical activity, specifically aerobic exercise, is a scientifically proven useful tool for preventing and easing depression symptoms. Studies in the British Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Exercise and Sports Science found that depression scores were significantly reduced in groups that engaged in aerobic running, jogging or walking programs, 30-45 minutes 3-5 days per week for 10-12 weeks when compared to a control group and a psychotherapy counseling group.

Depression is the most common mental disorder and is twice as common among women as in men. Symptoms include: fatigue, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, decreased sexual interest, weight change, and constipation. Many of these symptoms are likely to bring an individual to their family physician.


According to research, exercise reduces depression in two ways, psychologically (mentally) and physiological (physically). 

Psychological or Mental Benefits of Exercise on Depression:

Physiological or Physical Benefits of Exercise on Depression:


  1. Consult your primary care physician to confirm the diagnosis of depression. Be sure that your symptoms are not related to other health problems. Also, if you are using antidepressant or other medications discuss the impact it may have on your exercise program with your physician.
  2. Recognize and fight depression symptoms that are contrary to or prohibit physical activity such as: fatigue, lack of energy, slow motor skills. *Work hard to recognize and overcome these symptoms to begin an exercise program. An aerobic exercise routine should eventually lessen these symptoms.
  3. Be realistic. Expect that aerobic exercise will take time to have a noticeable benefit. Do not get overly ambitious and set yourself up for failure. The studies that demonstrated benefits took place over 12 weeks.
  4. Begin slowly with an aerobic exercise program that is practical and destined to succeed. For example: inactive and deconditioned people should begin walking 5 minutes per day, 3-5 days per week for 1 week. Then, add 3-5 minutes each week until you attain 30-45 minutes per walk 3-5 times per week. Younger and fitter people can begin to walk for 15 minutes and continue until they attain 45-60 minutes per walk, 3-5 times per week. Remember, what seems impossible today will be easier and routine in 3-4 weeks so JUST DO IT !
  5. Find a pleasurable environment: a beautiful park (Nay Aug), a scenic lake (Lake Scranton), quiet countryside (rural farmlands of Dalton). Use a mall in inclement weather.
  6. Find a friendly, uplifting group to walk, talk and exercise with. This may be more appropriate for people feeling isolated or withdrawn. Others may enjoy the peace and quiet of exercising and meditating alone.
  7. Be specific and compliant! Make a serious commitment. Keep a journal or exercise log. Mark a calendar. 30-45 minutes, 3-5 days per week – NO EXCUSES! Get and exercise buddy you can count on and help keep you compliant!
  8. Make it fun! Mix it up. Walk 3 days, swim or bike 1-2 days, some days alone, some days with a buddy.
  9. BE RELIGIOUS! Be religious about exercise BUT don’t get too compulsive!

NEXT MONDAY - Read Dr. Paul J. Mackarey’s "Health & Exercise Forum"!

This article is not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have questions related to your medical condition, please contact your family physician. For further inquires related to this topic email:

Paul J. Mackarey PT, DHSc, OCS is a Doctor  in Health Sciences specializing in orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. Dr. Mackarey is in private practice and is an associate professor of clinical medicine at GCSOM.

For all of Dr. Mackarey's Articles, check out our Health and Exercise Forum!

Since 1949 May has been designated as National Mental Health Month for the purpose of eliminating the stigma associated with mental illness by raising awareness. One of the most common mental health conditions is depression. New research from Boston University School of Public Health has found that depression has been increasing in the United States and life with COVID for more than two years has accelerated it rapidly. In 2021 the number of people suffering from depression increased more than 32 percent, affecting 1 in every 3 American adults. However, research also has good news to offer: one of the most understated benefits of exercise is mental health! Specifically, aerobic exercise (exercise that increases your heart rate for 30 minutes or more) such as walking, biking, running, swimming, hiking, elliptical & stepper machines to name a few, is the secret to “runner’s high.” This exercise euphoria is not limited to runners alone, but all who engage in aerobic exercise are more likely to experience high energy, positive attitude, and mental wellness.

Physical activity, specifically aerobic exercise, is a scientifically proven useful tool for preventing and easing depression symptoms. Studies in the British Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Exercise and Sports Science found that depression scores were significantly reduced in groups that engaged in aerobic running, jogging or walking programs, 30-45 minutes 3-5 days per week for 10-12 weeks when compared to a control group and a psychotherapy counseling group.

Depression is the most common mental disorder and is twice as common among women as in men. Symptoms include: fatigue, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, decreased sexual interest, weight change, and constipation. Many of these symptoms are likely to bring an individual to their family physician.


According to research, exercise reduces depression in two ways, psychologically (mentally) and physiological (physically). 

Psychological or Mental Benefits of Exercise on Depression:

Physiological or Physical Benefits of Exercise on Depression:


Work hard to recognize and overcome these symptoms to begin an exercise program. An aerobic exercise routine should eventually lessen these symptoms.

Exercise and be Happy!

Part II of II

Last week in Part I on Depression I discussed the importance of laughter for the prevention of depression. In this column, I will discuss one of the most understated benefits of exercise – mental health! Specifically, aerobic exercise (exercise that increases your heart rate for 30 minutes or more) such as walking, biking, running, swimming, hiking, elliptical & stepper machines to name a few, is the secret to “runner’s high.” This exercise euphoria is not limited to runners alone, but all who engage in aerobic exercise are more likely to experience high energy, positive attitude, and mental wellness.

Physical activity, specifically aerobic exercise, is a scientifically proven useful tool for preventing and easing depression symptoms. Studies in the British Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Exercise and Sports Science found that depression scores were significantly reduced in groups that engaged in aerobic running, jogging or walking programs, 30-45 minutes 3-5 days per week for 10-12 weeks, when compared to a control group and a psychotherapy counseling group.

Depression is the most common mental disorder and is twice as common among women as in men. Symptoms include: fatigue, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, decreased sexual interest, weight change, and constipation. Many of these symptoms are likely to bring an individual to their family physician. Unfortunately, depression is on the increase in the United States. According to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, in the early 2000’s, 7 million visits to a primary care physician were for the treatment of depression. 10 years later the number doubled.


            According to research reported in The Physical and Sportsmedicine, exercise reduces depression in two ways, psychologically (mentally) and physiological (physically). 

Psychological or Mental Benefits of Exercise on Depression:

Physiological or Physical Benefits of Exercise on Depression:


Work hard to recognize and overcome these symptoms to begin an exercise program. An aerobic exercise routine should eventually lessen these symptoms.

Read Dr. Mackarey’s Health & Exercise Forum – every Monday

Access all of Dr. Mackarey's articles in the Health and Exercise Forum at:

This article is not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have questions related to your medical condition, please contact your family physician. For further inquires related to this topic email:

Paul J. Mackarey PT, DHSc, OCS is a Doctor  in Health Sciences specializing in orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. Dr. Mackarey is in private practice in downtown Scranton and is an associate professor of clinical medicine at GCSOM.

Laugh and Walk Your Way to Happiness!

Part I of II

It has been 9 long months living with COVID 19! Most of us are weary and tired of social distancing, wearing masks, visiting with family from a distance or virtually. We miss the hugs and kisses of our family and friends. While it is critically important that we continue to stay vigilant, with no end in sight people are beginning to get “the COVID BLUES.” It only takes a few other problems like stress at work and health issues to put you over the edge…

Depression is the most common mental disorder and is twice as common among women as in men. It impacts life in many ways; family, friends, work, play and general health. Symptoms include: fatigue, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, decreased sexual interest, weight change, and constipation. Many of these symptoms are likely to bring an individual to their family physician. Unfortunately, depression is on the increase in the United States. According to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, in the early 2000’s, 7 million visits to a primary care physician were for the treatment of depression. 10 years later the number doubled.

Recent research is very encouraging and supports the use of laughter and exercise to prevent and treat depression as a powerful adjunct to therapy and medication. While it is important to state that depression is no laughing matter, many mental health professionals support it as a method to confront an unpleasant situation and gain some level of control over it. One study showed that in elderly people who used humor on a regular basis, reported improved satisfaction in life as compared to their less humorous contemporaries.

4 Reasons Why Humor is Helpful in Battling Depression (based on recent studies)

1. Humor Demystifies Depression

Humor lets others know that you can be depressed and still be human…a productive and valuable member of society. For example, “I’m depressed but I am not a bad person and I can still be funny and fun to be around.”

2. Humor Improves Your Mood

Humor lightens temperament as it increases blood flow to the brain to release dopamine and endorphin, which are chemicals that improve mood.

3. Humor Relieves Stress

Humor increases chemicals in the brain that control the release of a stress release hormone called cortisol.

4. Humor Improves Self-Esteem

Telling a joke, being funny, and making others laugh, make YOU feel good about yourself…and feel more normal.

4 Tips to Improve Your Sense of Humor

1. Hang Around With Fun and Funny People

Whenever possible, try to associate with good people who “pick you up” and have good karma. Avoid people who are “downers” and tend to “such the oxygen” out of the room.

2. Listen to Jokes & Learn to Enjoy Them

While this may be difficult to do when your down, but it will go a long way to pick you up.

3. Learn to Tell a Joke

This is also not easy but very important to improve your sense of humor. It will help you rediscover your “inner child.” Ease into it and start slowly. Practice in front of a mirror in the privacy of your home. Begin using it on family and good friends.

4. Joke About Your Depression

It will be cathartic. For example, “oh my God, that would be so funny if I wasn’t depressed!” “Don’t tell my shrink I laughed so hard because he will take away my meds!” Don’t put yourself down, but laugh at yourself if you mess up telling a joke or trying to be funny. Then, try again.

Sources: If you or someone you know is in danger from depression contact the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention at 1-888-333-2377.

Read Dr. Mackarey’s Health & Exercise Forum – every Monday. Or view all of Dr. Mackarey's articles in out Health and Exercise Forum at:

Next Week, Part II of II - Exercise to Prevent Depression.

This article is not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have questions related to your medical condition, please contact your family physician. For further inquires related to this topic email:

Paul J. Mackarey PT, DHSc, OCS is a Doctor  in Health Sciences specializing in orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. Dr. Mackarey is in private practice in downtown Scranton and is an associate professor of clinical medicine at GCSOM.