Make your Holidays more enjoyable by following these simple guidelines, which will assist in preventing or diminishing pain that originates from your spine.
Make your Holidays more enjoyable by following these simple guidelines, which will assist in preventing or diminishing pain that originates from your spine.
This column is dedicated to all the people who will spend countless hours preparing for the holiday season, whether it is Christmas or Hanukah. I offer suggestions for prevention and treatment of neck and back pain associated with these tasks.
Holiday shopping is stressful to your body as well as your wallet. Read on to learn how you can avoid pain and injury this season while on the road, in the mall, and at home.
The single best way to protect against influenza is to get a flu vaccination each year.
There are numerous ways to protect yourself from acquiring either “flu”, the traditional seasonal or the new H1N1.
It is that time of year when people wake up coughing and sneezing and hope that the symptoms are only a mild seasonal allergy. Unfortunately, it is also cold and flu season and it is important to know the difference. In the last month alone, our office was hit with several seasonal illnesses that lead to days off from work for Gretchen, Amy, and Chris. Did they have a cold or flu?
Many people in Northeast Pennsylvania enjoy outdoor winter activities, but it’s easy to forget that frigid air, wind, snow and sleet can play havoc on your skin.