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Category: Vaccine

May 8, 2024

Prevent Cancer by Vaccination for HPV

Data shows vaccination rates are declining since 2020 One of the greatest frustrations in modern medicine occurs when a safe, tried, and proven treatment exists to prevent deadly disease, but it is not possible to administer it to the potentially vulnerable victims. Over time, the disease unnecessarily spreads exponentially. Malaria in sub-Saharan Africa where one […]

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Sep 13, 2021


Innumerable benefits for both mom and baby … Including passing on vaccine-generated antibodies for COVID-19 A patient recently asked me if it is safe to take the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, or J&J COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy? While this is far outside my area of expertise, I took the opportunity to research the matter further and discuss […]

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Jan 25, 2021

Masks Necessary After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine?

I know that we are all tired of wearing masks. It can be hot, hard to breath and difficult to speak. People feel claustrophobic or confined behind them. Personally, I, too, feel exhausted after a full day in my mask. However, they continue to serve an important role in controlling the spread of COVID … […]

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Jan 13, 2021


The New Year brings renewed energy in our collective efforts to win the race against a common foe. If we intend 2021 to be a year of joy and hope — we absolutely need to use all viable tools at our disposal and unite in our efforts to beat the coronavirus. One such tool is […]

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