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Category: Posture

Aug 30, 2024

Backpack Safety Tips

...Labor Day is also the start of the school year While many people celebrate the Labor Day holiday by firing up the grill, others will be shopping to get their students ready for the school year. One item on the shopping list should be a good quality and well-fitted backpack…to prevent lower back pain! In […]

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Jun 6, 2024


June is migraine and headache awareness month! According to the World Health Organization about half of the world’s adult population has had a headache at least once in the past year. Prolonged use of electronic devices has greatly contributed to this problem. For many people, these headaches are infrequent and do not often affect daily […]

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Sep 8, 2021

Happy Healthy Labor Day!

Tips on Low Back Pain Covid-19 has certainly redefined the workplace as many employees continue to work from home. Prolonged hours sitting at a workstation that may not be optimal has also changed the way we define workplace health and safety. It may be more important than ever to pay close attention to designing an […]

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Sep 4, 2017

Happy, Healthy Labor Day

Happy Healthy Labor Day! Since 1894 Labor Day has been designated as the national holiday that pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. Research supports the notion that healthier employees are happier and more productive. When employers encourage healthy behavior and safety at work, they benefit in many ways. For example, in […]

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Aug 14, 2017

Health tips for the new school year

Students beware: summer is passing by quickly…so don’t waste one single minute idly watching TV or playing video games! Finish your reading list and get outside and play! It won’t be long before your parents will begin the end of summer shopping scramble…uniforms, shoes, backpacks, tablets, copy paper etc. Well, the same could be said […]

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Sep 8, 2015

Prevent Back Pain this Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! Prevent Back Pain! Lower back pain (LBP) is one of the most common problems people experience, not only in the workplace, but in daily life as well. LBP is not limited to the manual laborer but is also prevalent in those working in sedentary positions. It is estimated that 80-90% of adults […]

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Nov 24, 2014

Prevention of Lower Back Pain for Home Caregivers

November is National Family Caregivers Month More than 65 million people, almost 30% of the population in the United States, are actively involved in providing 20 or more hours of care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend each week. As our population continues to age, this number is expected to […]

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Sep 1, 2014

Prevent Lower Back Pain for a Healthy, Happy Labor Day

Since 1894 Labor Day has been designated as the national holiday that pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. Research supports the notion that healthier employees are happier and more productive. When employers encourage healthy behavior and safety at work, they benefit in many ways. For example, in addition to improving job […]

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May 13, 2013

Get Healthy and Prevent Lower Back Pain: Part 2 of 2 for Global Employee Health & Fitness Month

Get Healthy and Prevent Lower Back Pain Part 2 of 2 for Global Employee Health & Fitness Month May is Global Employee Health and Fitness month.  Research supports the notion that healthier employees are happier and more productive. When employers encourage healthy behavior  and safety at work, they benefit in many ways. For example, in […]

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May 6, 2013

Get Healthy and Prevent Lower Back Pain: Part 1 of 2 for Global Employee Health & Fitness Month

Part 1 of 2 for Global Employee Health & Fitness Month May is Global Employee Health and Fitness month.  Research supports the notion that healthier employees are happier and more productive. When employers  encourage healthy behavior and safety at work, they benefit in many  ways. For example, in addition to improving job satisfaction and productivity,  […]

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