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Category: Health Benefits

Aug 7, 2024


There is plenty of summer remaining … so make time to get to the water! Research shows that spending time outdoors has many positive effects on your health. Moreover, new research has found that being near a body of water makes us calmer and healthier. You know that special feeling you get when you drive […]

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Jul 10, 2024

Fight Ageism…Live Strong and Healthy!

There are Many Positives About Aging! Ageism is prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age… While I hesitate to discuss politics, as an aging physical therapist, I feel that it is incumbent upon me to speak out against ageism, especially with so much attention being paid to the age of the candidates […]

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Jul 3, 2024


JUNE IS GREAT OUTDOORS MONTH! AS WE KICK OFF SUMMER AND CELEBRATE THE FOUR OF JULY, MAKE TIME TO GET THE HECK OUTSIDE! Research shows that spending time outdoors has many positive effects on your health. While there are many year-round activity options, in Northeastern Pennsylvania our short-lived summer is the inspiration to “suck the […]

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Jun 2, 2024

Exercise & Fitness … More Than Just Physical!

We’ve all heard it before – encouragement to exercise to trim our waistline or to speed up our metabolism.  However, there may be more benefit to lacing up those sneakers than you’d think.  Recent studies have established a link between exercise and cognition, making physical activity even more important. The Benefits: Exercise has been shown […]

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May 8, 2024

Prevent Cancer by Vaccination for HPV

Data shows vaccination rates are declining since 2020 One of the greatest frustrations in modern medicine occurs when a safe, tried, and proven treatment exists to prevent deadly disease, but it is not possible to administer it to the potentially vulnerable victims. Over time, the disease unnecessarily spreads exponentially. Malaria in sub-Saharan Africa where one […]

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Apr 15, 2024

Lower Blood Pressure and other Benefits of Tai Chi

In addition to lowering blood pressure, this gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, balance, flexibility and mental health and is an ideal activity for all ages! This research was brought to my attention by my friend and mentor from Dalton, Peter Frieder, Chairman,Gentex Corporation and current Board Chair at WVIA. Peter is celebrating […]

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Feb 16, 2024


February is American Heart Month! American Heart Month is not just for lovers. Long after the Valentine’s roses wilt, our hearts will require special attention for a long healthy life. It is the goal of The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to motivate Americans to adopt healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease. Not So […]

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Jan 29, 2024

Ice Baths - Benefits and Risks

What is an Ice Bath? Ice baths have become a new trend or fad in health and fitness, especially among elite athletes and some celebrities. However, it is far from a new treatment modality. In fact, the Ancient Greeks employed cold-water immersion for fever, pain relief, relaxation and socialization. In addition, Hippocrates documented the use […]

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Dec 18, 2023

This Holiday Season: Be Religious and Spiritual because It will improve your immune system!

Holiday Spirit Requires a Healthy Mind, Body, Spirit! Happy Holidays! It is at this time of year that we celebrate life with great hope and faith. People of many faiths take time to reflect, respect, and resolve. Christians celebrate Christmas, the miraculous birth of Christ, the Son of God, and the Messiah. Jews celebrate Chanukah, […]

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Nov 17, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! Be Grateful…it’s good for your health!

The “First Thanksgiving” was in 1621 between the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony and the Wampanoag tribe in present day Massachusetts to celebrate be grateful for the harvest and other blessings of the previous year. In 1789, President George Washington, at the request of Congress, proclaimed Thursday, November 26, as a day of national thanksgiving. In […]

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