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Category: fitness

Oct 2, 2024


Provisional Bag/First Aide Kit It is one week away from the 27th Steamtown Marathon. This column is dedicated to all the runners preparing for the big day. One small piece of advice; start slowly, avoid the first mile adrenaline sprint downhill, and enjoy the journey! Remember, only one Olympic marathon winner (Juan Zabala, Argentina, 1932) […]

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Jun 2, 2024

Exercise & Fitness … More Than Just Physical!

We’ve all heard it before – encouragement to exercise to trim our waistline or to speed up our metabolism.  However, there may be more benefit to lacing up those sneakers than you’d think.  Recent studies have established a link between exercise and cognition, making physical activity even more important. The Benefits: Exercise has been shown […]

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Mar 11, 2024


PEOPLE OFTEN ASK ME, “IS THERE SUCH A THING AS AN EXERCISE RUT?”. THEY WANT TO KNOW WHY THEY DO NOT SEEM TO BE IMPROVING WITH THEIR EXERCISE PROGRAM. They exercise 3-4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and they feel frustrated and STUCK in a rut. The purpose of this column is […]

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Mar 4, 2024


Part I of II PEOPLE WILL OFTEN ASK ME, “IS THERE SUCH A THING AS AN EXERCISE RUT?” THEY WANT TO KNOW WHY THEY DO NOT SEEM TO BE IMPROVING WITH THEIR EXERCISE PROGRAM…they exercise 3-4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and they feel frustrated and STUCK in a rut. While initially […]

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Jan 24, 2024


During a recent “lunch-and-learn” meeting at our office, several younger staff members were discussing the use of supplements to compliment their fitness routines. One such staff member, Lily Smith, a physical therapy student aid at our clinic from the University of Scranton, is also a serious weight training and fitness enthusiast and shared her experience […]

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Jan 16, 2024


Kick Start Your Wellness New Year’s Resolutions: PART II OF II January is the time of year that many people set goals and resolve to be their very best. Not surprisingly, weight loss and fitness are the most common resolutions. It is also a time when many residents of NEPA will plan vacations and travel […]

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Jan 8, 2024


Kick Start Your Wellness New Year’s Resolutions- Part I of II January is the time of year that many people set goals and resolve to be their very best. Not surprisingly, weight loss and fitness are the most common resolutions. It is also a time when many residents of NEPA will plan vacations and travel […]

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Dec 27, 2023

Simple & Healthy New Year’s Resolutions – A Clear Vision For 2024!

New Year’s Resolutions are very predictable. While most New Year Resolutions are health oriented, I purport that a healthy mind, body and spirit requires a healthy lifestyle. Interestingly, the ten most popular resolutions listed below, all have an impact on a healthy life.   SOURCE: A. Powell, Guide EVERY MONDAY – Read Dr. Paul J. […]

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Dec 11, 2023

MERRY FITNESS! Best Fitness Gifts for Christmas 2023!

Every December, as we finish the last of the leftover turkey, patients begin to talk about the holiday season and gift shopping. This conversation invariably leads to suggestions for gift ideas related to health, exercise and fitness. The suggestions below offer a wide variety of fitness related gifts, some expensive and frivolous and others reasonably […]

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Sep 7, 2023

How to Begin Walking for Fitness

Fall in NEPA is one of my favorite times of year. For outdoor enthusiasts, there is nothing more refreshing than activities in the bright sunshine and crisp, clean air. The hot humid summer weather can be a deterrent to outdoor activities and this time of year provides an opportunity to get fit by beginning a […]

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