A groin strain is a tear of the muscle fibers of the groin muscle. This injury, like others, varies in intensity.
A groin strain is a tear of the muscle fibers of the groin muscle. This injury, like others, varies in intensity.
The outcomes for active people continue to improve with advances in technology, prosthetic materials and new techniques. As a result, many active people are eager to use there new joint to continue their active lifestyle. The ability to remain active while not compromising the integrity of the new joint continues to be the source of some controversy. It will be the purpose of this column to review the literature and make recommendations to safely return to golf with a hip and knee replacement.
Having fun while getting fit are some of the most common concerns patients express to me about exercise. How long will it take? How many calories will I burn? How can I make it fun? Well, there is a new sport that may allow for fun and fitness in a time-efficient manner – Speed Golf!
It happens every spring. A young pitching ace that started strong is now beginning to lose some speed on his fast ball. A third baseman that had no problems last week can’t throw to first without pain.
The cause of the condition was the usual: not properly preparing the arm for the season.
To prevent shoulder problems one must participate in a exercise program specifically designed for tennis. A well-balance shoulder strengthening program includes; rotator cuff and scapular (shoulder blade) muscle exercises, reeducation, biomechanics, and a stretching program pre and post hitting.
Last week, in part one of “Prevention of Shoulder Injuries in Tennis,” I presented the basics principles of strengthening the large muscles of the shoulder. This week will demonstrate how to stabilize the important scapula muscles and smaller muscles of the shoulder such as the rotator cuff.
Runners are addicted to running for good reason. There is nothing like it!
Eating disorders among athletes is not uncommon, especially in the female athlete. This is the third of three columns on this topic. Athletes with eating disorders need referral to a health care professional.
Over the past several years I have worked with many young female athletes that have suffered from injuries often associated with low body fat and poor bone density such as repeated stress fractures. In certain sports such as running and gymnastics this can be devastating. One thought that comes to mind is whether or not the young female athlete may also have an eating disorder.
Exercise is a critical component of diabetes management. Studies show that pre-diabetics and type 2 diabetics can prevent or reverse their condition through diet and exercise. However, it is important that you do not jump into an extreme diet or exercise program without proper professional medical advice.