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Category: Aging

Jul 10, 2024

Fight Ageism…Live Strong and Healthy!

There are Many Positives About Aging! Ageism is prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age… While I hesitate to discuss politics, as an aging physical therapist, I feel that it is incumbent upon me to speak out against ageism, especially with so much attention being paid to the age of the candidates […]

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May 15, 2024

Spring is here … the days are longer and sun stronger! How's your Vitamin D?

Most would agree that this spring has a little cloudy, rainy and cool in NEPA. However, warm sunny days are soon to come. While protection from the sun is very important, too much time indoors playing computer games and watching television, can lead to potential problems from lack of exposure to the sun. One must […]

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Feb 16, 2024


February is American Heart Month! American Heart Month is not just for lovers. Long after the Valentine’s roses wilt, our hearts will require special attention for a long healthy life. It is the goal of The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to motivate Americans to adopt healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease. Not So […]

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Oct 23, 2023


3rd of 3 Columns on Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention Preventing a fall can not only save your independence but also your life! Preventing injuries from falls reduces the need for nursing home placement. Injuries from falls are the seventh leading cause of death in people over the age of sixty-five. The following suggestions will […]

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Oct 18, 2023


2nd of 3 Columns on Balance Disorders and Falls Prevention Last week we discussed the causes of balance loss. Today, we will discuss treatment for this problem. Two primary treatments are medication and vestibular rehabilitation. 1. Medication Medication for dizziness and loss of balance requires a visit to your family doctor. In a more involved […]

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Oct 11, 2023


TAKE THE TEST! Northeastern Pennsylvania is home to a large elderly population and many of the medical problems we expect to see are age related. Dedicated medical practitioners are in constant search for new knowledge and information to prevent or delay many age-related problems. One of the most devastating problems associated with aging is the […]

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Jul 10, 2023

DEHYDRATION: Summer Heat Poses a Risk… Especially to the Elderly (Part 1 of 2)

Summer heat and humidity are here and the risk of heat related illnesses are particularly high for those over 65, especially dehydration. Age, diet, illness and medications are some of the many reasons why elders suffer from dehydration not only in the summer heat, but year round. Furthermore, age related changes in 50-60 year olds […]

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Jul 19, 2022

How to Slow the Aging Process

Part 2 of 2 I have a vested interest in this column…I just had a big birthday! It is a BIG birthday because it is the one before I get health care insurance from Uncle Sam! Consequently, the “aging process” is very much on my mind! In the book, “Being Mortal,” Atul Gawande discusses the […]

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Jul 14, 2022

How to Slow the Aging Process

Part 1 of 2 I have a vested interest in this column…I just had a big birthday! It is a BIG birthday because it is the one before I get health care insurance from Uncle Sam! Consequently, the “aging process” is very much on my mind! In the book, “Being Mortal,” Atul Gawande discusses the […]

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Feb 7, 2022

You Are Never Too Old To Exercise!

PART I OF II You are never too old to exercise! A reader who described herself as “elderly” asked me if she was too old to exercise. Without knowing her age, I replied that she was not. I did qualify my response with the fact that exercise must be adjusted to meet the individual needs […]

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