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Category: activity

Jul 24, 2024


This column is repeated every year at this time with the intent of raising the level of awareness to prevent death or serious illness from heat stroke in athletes and other active people in hot, humid weather. It is the end of July and we have managed to survive two “heat waves” in NEPA. While […]

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Jul 17, 2024


The 27th Steamtown Marathon is three months away and, despite the warm weather, many local runners are deep into training. With serious heat waves of summer, any prolonged endurance activity in minimal to moderate heat can be dangerous if not prepared. Adequate hydration is critically important, not only to those training for a marathon but […]

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Jul 3, 2024


JUNE IS GREAT OUTDOORS MONTH! AS WE KICK OFF SUMMER AND CELEBRATE THE FOUR OF JULY, MAKE TIME TO GET THE HECK OUTSIDE! Research shows that spending time outdoors has many positive effects on your health. While there are many year-round activity options, in Northeastern Pennsylvania our short-lived summer is the inspiration to “suck the […]

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Jun 26, 2024


I have been advising my patients to exercise, keep active, and walk as long as they can in order to stay mobile and healthy. However, seniors often tell me activities that require prolonged walking is limited by ankle pain from arthritis. They often ask, “What is arthritis of the ankle?” How does it happen? What […]

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Jun 19, 2024

When You Are Not Moving Enough…

Human beings were designed to move…walk, run, climb, lift, hunt, and gather. Contemporary man has suffered greatly from a technologically driven inactive and sedentary lifestyle. Inactivity is associated with many health problems; obesity, adult-onset diabetes, high blood pressure to name a few. The problems associated with lack of movement are many: Constipation The more you […]

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Jun 2, 2024

Exercise & Fitness … More Than Just Physical!

We’ve all heard it before – encouragement to exercise to trim our waistline or to speed up our metabolism.  However, there may be more benefit to lacing up those sneakers than you’d think.  Recent studies have established a link between exercise and cognition, making physical activity even more important. The Benefits: Exercise has been shown […]

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May 22, 2024

Exercise-Induced Asthma (EIA)

Spring is here! So, too, is allergy season and spring sports! It seems this every year at this time a young little league baseball player wheezes as they cross home plate and desperately tries to catch their breath. Players, coaches, umpires, parents watch in dismay, deciding whether they need to call an ambulance. Minutes later […]

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May 15, 2024

Spring is here … the days are longer and sun stronger! How's your Vitamin D?

Most would agree that this spring has a little cloudy, rainy and cool in NEPA. However, warm sunny days are soon to come. While protection from the sun is very important, too much time indoors playing computer games and watching television, can lead to potential problems from lack of exposure to the sun. One must […]

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Apr 29, 2024

Trekking Poles – Hiking Sticks:Not Just for the Serious Hiker

Several years ago, while hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon with my family, my wife Esther developed “canyon knee,” also known as “hiker’s knee” or in medical terms, “patellar tendonitis.” Regardless of the term, the end result was that she had severe pain in the tendon below her knee cap and was unable […]

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Apr 22, 2024


It is four months since many people have made their health and fitness resolutions and hopefully some have stayed the course.  If you are looking for another reason to stick to your New Year’s Resolution to get fit and lose weight in 2024 try this…to improve or prevent hip and knee pain! There are three […]

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